Silver Wings, Flying Dreams
The Complete Story of the Women Airforce Service Pilots
A Bill Suchy Documentary
Film Credits
Special Thank ou To:
Norma “Penny” Hall Halberg 44-W-6
Kathleen Hilbrandt 44-W-10
Bernice “Bee” Falk Haydu 44-W-7
Shirley Chase Kruse 44-W-6
Anna L. Flynn Monkiewicz 43-W-6
Dorothy Kocher Olsen 43-W-4
Florence Shutsy Reynolds 44-W-5
Janet Lee Hutchinson Simpson 44-W-6
Mabelle “Barry” Vincent Smith 44-W-6
Helen Wyatt Snapp 43-W-4
Betty “Tack” Blake 43-W-1
M. Odean “Deanie” Bishop Parrish 44-W-4
Brigadier General Linda McTague, USAF Retired
David A. Stallman
Dr. Roger and Emily Martinsen
Colonel David O. Cravey
Betty Ann Wells
Betty Kay
Jean Fitzmaurice
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Botwinick
Douglas Johnson
Natasha Gammon
Austin Chapter of the Ninety-Nines International Organization of Women Pilots
Lake Tahoe Chapter of the Ninety-Nines International Organization of Women Pilots
Florida State Society Daughters of the American Revolution
Lighthouse Point Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
Ocala Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
Spirit of Liberty Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
Janet Clarke and Shirley Morrison of Old York Chapter (Maine)
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
Texas Woman’s University
Warbird Adventures, Kissimmee, Florida
The National WASP Museum, Sweetwater Texas
Commemorative Air Force, Midland Texas
Collings Foundation’s Wings of Freedom Tour
Wings Across America
Keystone Heights Airport, Florida
Pecan Plantation Owners Association, Texas
Archive Footage
Texas Woman’s University Woman’s Collection
Wings Across America
pond 5
Shield Pictures
John Vick
National Archives
Copyright 2015 Bill Suchy Productions, LLC
Writer / Producer / Directer - Bill Suchy
Narrator - Mary Thompson Hunt
Editors -Jerald Godbout III & Bill Suchy
Production Coordinator - Joyce Christiansen Suchy
Assistant Editor - Sooki Martinsen
Script Content Consultant - Katherine Sharp Landdeck, Ph.D.
Contributing Producer - Katherine Sharp Landdeck, Ph.D.
Lighting Director / Camera Operator - Orlando A. Ojeda
Field Audio Operators - Michael Buslovich & Orlando Ojeda
Studio Audio Operator - Greg Trent
Still Photography - Barry Kirsch
Graphics - Jerald Godbout III
Audio Mastering - David Brown
Executive Producer - Bill Suchy
Music Composition Each Passing Year
Written and Performed by Lisa Firestone
© 2011 My Little Muse, BMI